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·2· Youth arrests, Dufferin Grove Park

25-Dec-2010 [22]

Part of Police Youth

Youth arrests, Dufferin Grove Park, May 29 2008

In early evening, five police cars and a motorcycle were parked in the middle of the park, as police arrested several youths for robbery at Dufferin Mall across the street.

Friday May 30, 2008

In order to follow these arrests, a CELOS researcher went to bail court at 311 Jarvis Street on Friday. There were a number of youth who sought bail for stealing a wristwatch or ipod, but none seemed to be the youth arrested at the park.

Monday June 2, 2008

A 14-year-old youth is brought in. He had four charges of robbery. The first two charges are on May 9 at 9.30 am, when he -- together with another guy, who is older, robbed a 90-year old woman on Major Street and then an 83-year-old woman twenty minutes later. The older guy seems to have been on a bike, and faked falling down. They suckered the women, and the younger woman had to go to hospital afterwards.

The next two robberies were on May 29, first a 73-year-old at Shaw and College, where they grabbed a purse with $400 in it. Then at 12.25 the victim was 66 years old. Presumably that's the one who identified the robbers to police.

This seems to be a first charge but is considered serious enough that for a while it seems that bail will not be granted. But then it is. There's some reading out of case law, to the effect that in the case of a minor who may have been influenced by an older person, allowances have to be made.

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