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How do we relay the rules?

a place for courtesy and on-going discussion....? 09-Jul-2012 [1518]

• When rules are made, what information do we want or need to know? What is the tone of the rules we encounter in our local public spaces? What tone do we wish our rules - and those who relay them - to reflect?

In what ways do clear, respectfully communicated rules add to our enjoyment of our parks and public spaces? What kinds of rules welcome us and foster participation and engagement? What kinds of rules diminish our enjoyment and trust in people charged with carrying out the rules?

We know what the rules a What do we need to know to determine if the rules we are asked to obey are legitimate?i - if they have been made by people with the authority to make rules? are the qualities of thoughtful, clear and trustworthy rules?

When rules are made, what information do we want to have or need to know? How do we want to be spoken to? What is the process if we want to ask questions and discuss how the rules work in our local public spaces? How do we expect to speak - and be spoken to - when we discuss the appropriate rules for our common spaces? What is the process if we want to ask questions and discuss how the rules work in our local public spaces?