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Correspondence about the helmet policy 2009

28-Sep-2009 [123]

From: Belinda Cole, to Sandra Ceolini, Mon, 28 Sep, 2009

Dear Sandra,

Now that the strike is over and everyone is back to work, we'd like to follow up on our action items from our June 12, 2009 meeting to re-visit the 2001 staff policy regarding helmets at city rinks.

One of our action items was to review the materials staff looked at prior to 2001 when they formulated the helmet policy. As you mentioned, this included:

the injury data from the injury occurrence sheets, a best practices chart, information from other municipalities, internal and external consultatons done with: risk management branch, legal services, hockey leagues, a figure skating association and a professional parks staff association, as well as the minutes of meetings which led to the 2001 policy.

We will need an electronic copy of these documents in order to prepare for our October 6 rink meeting with Malcolm and Andy.

CELOS is very pleased to have received a grant to look at how law and policy affects parks and public spaces, and we are preparing an information bulletin about helmets for shinny, so we will need the rink injury data for that purpose, as well.

Thanks for your help, Sandra, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with you to revisit this policy.

Belinda Cole

The Centre for Local Research into Public Space